USDT ще бъде премахнат на 31.03.2025

Уважаеми потребители, 

Уведомяваме Ви, че считано от 01.04.2025 спира да предлага опцията за покупка и продажба на USDT. Това се налага, тъй като компания TETHER, която издава USDT, към момента не разполага с лиценз, отговарящ на европейския закон за регулация на криптовалутите - МiCA. Апелираме за използването на USDC по ERC-20 мрежата (за пкупки и продажби), като това е и единствената опция, която ще е налична след тази дата.

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Leva Payments

At the end of your order we show you a merchant number (60000) and an order number. Write this down, visit an ATM machine, choose from the menu "Other services", then B-Pay, then enter the two numbers above and then make the payment with your card.

While you are taking your card out of the ATM, your bitcoins will hit your wallet.

Just visit one of the EasyPay cash desks (map of them here), present the lady there with the two codes we have given to you and then pay in cash. You should get the coins into your bitcoin wallet before you manage to say Good-Bye to the lady.

Very soon you will be able to use your ePay microaccount to buy bitcoins from the comfort of your home, using your credit or debit card.

When selling bitcoins you can get the cash at any EasyPay point. For this purpose you need to provide us with your names and personal identification number which you verify with your personal id or passport with the lady at the desk and the money is yours.

This is a great way for someone to send you money in Bulgaria (or you to send to them) - just fill in his/her data and send us the coins. Cheap, anonymous, and fast money transfer at your fingertips.

You can specify an ePay micro-account number for us to send the money to. From there, you can use this money to shop online in most Bulgarian sites, to pay your utility bills, or to transfer it to your bank account.

Ask and you shall be given. We use most other popular payment methods but you need to get in contact with us (contacts on the footer).

You can use our automatic payment methods up to 2000 lv per order (or the limit of your card, if it is lower). For higher sums, get in touch.

Crypto wallets

You keep crypto currencies in so-called wallets. So you need one before you can purchase crypto currencies from us. If you intend to use our site with your mobile device, please make sure you copy your address in its memory before you start the order, so that you can easily paste it when we ask for it.

There are numerous wallets for bitcoin, so choose one here: Bitcoin wallets.

You can obtain the latest litecoin wallet from Litecoin's official site:

Order processing

Our mission is to give you a quick and easy way to trade in and out of bitcoins and thus save you the hassle of account verification, money transfers, etc which you would have to go through if you chose to trade on the exchanges yourselves. We use the services of, which is also the bitcoin exchange of choice for Bloomberg. We charge between 1 and 2 percent on each trade, so that we can cover the costs associated with running this site and moving the fiat money across banking accounts.

We are not market makers, thus we do not trade against our users. We hedge every order instantaneously after we get your payment. Should there be a substantial movement of the prices on the exchange, so that we would lose money on the order, we will cancel your order and either reimburse you the money you paid, or ask you to renegotiate the trade.

Therefore, always give us a valid email, do not use the site when markets are volatile, and never send us coins from a wallet you do not own (like withdrawals from sites, such as exchanges, sports books, etc.)

Should you have any issues or inquiries about the site, please do not hesitate us to contact us.

We created with a mission to give an easy access to anyone in Bulgaria to the world of crypto currencies. With it we give them freedom and independence of any financial intermediaries, banks, regulators, etc.

To this end we have strived to make our site as secure as possible and we guarantee all our users full security as long as they use the site as described in our Guide. Should you encounter any problem, or incur any immediate loss, we will cover those at our expense.

If you share those principles, we won't need to resort to the only formal term we ask you to accept: All interactions between "Online Gaming Solutions" Ltd and the users of are governed by Bulgarian laws.

Thank you for trusting us.